'The Type' Spot Illustration
A spot illustration of a woman steering through crashing waves, persevering through the obstacles by herself. This illustration was made to represent Sarah Kay's poem "The Type" from my own interpretation.
Made with SketchBook and InDesign.
Cow Flashcard
A flashcard showing a cow parachuting off of a plane which represents the equation '2 - 1' in an illustrative way that is meant to appeal to children from ages 3-5.
Made with Sketchbook and InDesign.
Spider in Wonderland
An illustration of a spider falling down a rabbit hole, directly referencing Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland. This was made to be a magazine cover, representing one of the featured articles that talks about spiders having the ability to dream while asleep.
Made with SketchBook and InDesign.
Designed a book sleeve for a made-up biography dedicated to my late grandmother, Natividad. Illustrated a portrait of her and used it as the front cover.
Used SketchBook, Photoshop, Illustrator, and InDesign.